St. Bartholomew Catholic Faith Community Church
Wayzata, MN
St. Bartholomew Catholic School – Masterplan and Renovation
This project was borne of a desire to create a more community oriented experience for parishioners. The work included the reorientation and expansion of the sanctuary within a classic architectural vernacular; with angled seating for improved sightlines and opportunities for group dynamics.
The new plan, using a modest addition on the west side, a raised roof, and remodeling throughout, creates a better relationship between entry, gathering, the newly reoriented sanctuary, and accessible and user friendly circulation throughout the church & school campus.
Church administrative offices were relocated from the school wing into the lower level of the church building, with added daylighting, and an improved dedicated entry. This move freed up program areas to allow for the reorganization of space within the school wing to meet the functional needs of the school administrative offices, an expanded kindergarten/preschool suite, and improved specialty classrooms.
Building improvements included: security enhancements, upgraded mechanical & electrical systems, refreshed finishes, replacement windows, and the extension of the elevator to the third floor of the school.
- 2010 AIA – Interfaith Forum on Religion Art and Architecture – Honor Award
- 2009 Honor Award for the Excellence in Concrete Design & Construction
Industry: Religious