Wayzata Community Church
Wayzata, Minnesota
By the early 1990’s the congregation at Wayzata Community Church had outgrown its church and related facilities. The church’s many religious and various outreach programs demanded to be addressed. The sanctuary that seated 220 needed to be replaced; in addition, new fellowship hall and classrooms spaces were a high priority. As a result, a master plan for a planned unit development was created and approved by the City of Wayzata to maximize the use of the church’s limited property.
Over the years, in a number of phases, building additions have been added, and all of the existing space has been renovated. A new sanctuary, fellowship hall, classrooms, multipurpose, as well as mechanical / storage spaces were built. During this time, building exterior, mechanical, electrical, and fi re protection systems have been upgraded; and accessibility / building code issues have been addressed.
The building has grown from 52,300 sf to over 126,000 sf. The property has seen improvements to parking, building access, landscaping, and storm water management. In between major phases there have been a number of smaller improvements to the facilities. These consisted of a children’s library, upgrades to the garden courtyard, children’s playground, memorial terrace, columbarium, among other projects.
The success of each of phase of work generated enthusiasm within the congregation to keep moving forward to each subsequent phase. The congregation has grown along with the facilities.
Industry: Religious