Como Zoo Projects

St. Paul, MN

Included in the Como Zoo Projects are the extremely popular Large Cats Exhibit, the Marine Mammals Exhibit, the Hoofed Stock Exhibit, the Primate Exhibit, and Seal Island’s recreation. In June 2010, we served as the associate architect under CLR Design from Philadelphia for the Como Polar Exhibit expansion of Architecture Advantage’s 1983 Marine Mammal Exhibit. In December, 2012, the Gorilla Forest construction included the addition of a major outdoor exhibit and significant improvements and expansions to the existing indoor facilities.

The Gorilla Forest project included the addition of a major outdoor exhibit and significant improvements and expansions to the existing indoor facilities. The 13,000 square foot outdoor space, almost three times larger than the previous space, was designed to give the gorillas ample room to play, climb, forage and display their extraordinary family and social dynamics to the public while minimizing stress on the gorillas and creating up close and personal views of the gorillas for visitors. The indoor facilities, including the behind-the-scenes keeper and holding areas, were enlarged. The new gorilla holding building provides plenty of natural light and two stories for the animals with view windows and perches so the gorillas can see out. The building also included overhead transfer runs made from caging material so that the animals could get from their living space up to the interior and exterior exhibit spaces. Improvements to existing rock work and trees provide more horizontal space for gorillas and planned family groups. Better ventilation, lighting, drainage and a new rainforest mural on the dayroom wall create an improved environment for the animals and viewing experience for the public.

Industry: Government